About Setting Nominal Dimensions in Component Editor
1. Click > > to open the Component Editor dialog box.
2. Select the Nominal Dimensions tab.
3. A Nominal dimension can only added to the library component in case it was previously defined as an instance dimension in the Instances tab.
4. To Add and modify the nominal dimensions select the empty table or a row in the table and use (
Insert rows above) or below(
Insert rows below) from the Right-Mouse menu.
A dialog box opens which list all instance dimensions from the Instances table. In case an instance dimensions is already used as nominal dimension it will not occur in the list of available dimensions anymore. In case the instance dimensions are not defined yet, the nominal dimensions can not be added to the table
5. The Dimension Name column represents the displayed name in the user interface of the Library Componnet dialog box. The Dimension Symbol stands for the dimension defined in the instance dimension.
Five different types can be selected in the Type column.
: The value can be edited manually.
: The value can be selected from a pulldown menu.
: The value can be selected from a pulldown menu, but also edited manually
: The value can be selected from a spin box. It is possible to set up minimum and maximum boundaries, An Increment can be defined as well.
To defined the spin box values Double-Click into the related Relation cell. A dialog box opens which contains a Minimum, Maximumand Increment field. For the minimum and maximum values it is also possible to select a instance dimension name from the option menus, which makes the spin box even more flexible.
◦ DISABLED: The value is used for information only and can not be edited.
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