To Replace a Profile
1. Select the profile to replace using either of the methods listed below:
Click Framework and then in the Profiles group click Operations > Replace Profile. The Replace Profile dialog box opens. Click the Profile to Replace box and in the model, select a profile part to replace.
In the model, select a profile to replace. Click Framework and then in the Profiles group click Operations > Replace Profile. The Replace Profile dialog box opens.
2. Under Replace Type select one of the following options to define how to replace the profile:
Existing instance —Replace with an existing instance.
Copy of an existing instance —Replace with a copy of an existing instance. Both profiles have the same features.
Copy an existing section instance —Replace with a new profile that has the same section as an existing instance.
Copy of itself —Replace with a copy of itself.
3. If you are selecting the existing reference profile for replacement, click the Reference Profile box and in the model select a profile part. A preview of the replaced profile is displayed.
4. Click one of the options listed below to continue:
OK to complete profile replacement and close the dialog box.
Repeat to complete profile replacement without closing the dialog box and continue with replacing another profile.
Cancel to cancel profile replacement and close the dialog box.
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