To Create a Basic Joint
1. Click Framework > Basic Joints. The Basic Joints dialog box opens. If there are previously created joints in your model, they appear as yellow icons in the graphics window.
2. Click in the dialog box to toggle joint visibility on and off.
The joint icon depends on the type of joint created. If a profile has been assembled multiple times and the joint is defined elsewhere, the joint icon is .
3. Click .
4. Click the desired joint type. Under References the first reference collector is activated. Labels appear on both reference collectors, depending on the type of basic joint that you select.
Type of Joint
Label on first reference collector
Label on second reference collector
Join both Profile Ends
First profile
Second profile
Join one Profile End to Surface
Adjoining profile
Unchanged profile
Join Datums
Offset coordinate system
Datum plane or planar surface
5. To create a joint with an offset select the With offset check box and type the offset values in the boxes.
6. In the model, depending on joint type, select the first profile near its end, or a coordinate system, or datum point.
7. In the model, depending on joint type, select the second profile, or a surface, or coordinate system, or datum point. A preview of the joint is displayed.
8. Click one of the options listed below to continue:
OK to complete joint creation and close the dialog box.
Repeat to complete joint creation without closing the dialog box and continue with creating another joint.
Cancel to cancel joint creation and close the dialog box.
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