Creo Simulate > Creating Analyses > Thermal Analysis > Transient Thermal Analysis > Transient Thermal Analysis Overview
Transient Thermal Analysis Overview
A transient thermal analysis calculates temperatures and fluxes in your model over a particular time range. If you are not interested in the variation of temperature over time, you should use steady thermal analysis instead.
Creo Simulate also calculates measures that you defined for your model. Use custom measures to determine:
the time at which a given condition is true
the value of a measure at a point in time
the max, min, or max abs for a measure over the entire analysis or over a specified time range
You can direct Creo Simulate to report full results or temperature loads at specified time intervals. After you run a transient thermal analysis, with full results selected for multiple intervals, you can view the results at the various intervals by animating the fringe plot.
Use transient thermal analysis to find out the following types of information:
the time your model takes to heat up or cool down
the way your model might respond to a time-dependent heat load or bulk temperature
the thermal stresses that develop as a result of temperature changes in your model. Thermal stresses are structural changes that develop as a result of temperature changes in a model. You must first run a transient thermal analysis. Then run a structural analysis with a MEC/T history temperature load to apply the temperature history generated during a transient thermal analysis , to view thermal stresses in the model.
a 3D solid model
isotropic material properties only
no shell or beam elements
no links
1 constraint set or 1 load set
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