Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Guidelines for Spatially Varying Loads
Guidelines for Spatially Varying Loads
You can select only one geometric entity when applying an interpolated load.
You need a minimum of two datum points to define an interpolated surface load. For interpolated curve loads, Creo Simulate also requires a minimum of two points, but it uses the curve end points as a default. If you do not want to use the end points, you need to add two datum points to the curve.
When calculating function-based loads, Creo Simulate uses radians as the system of units. To calculate load application, you may need to convert the entity dimensions to radians.
For interpolated loads, you normally use scale factors that lie between 0 and 1. However, you can use larger values if you want to increase the value or vector of the original load through multiplication.
You can define the scale factor as either a positive or negative value. If you use a negative value, you reverse the load direction. Additionally, if you express the load value as a negative number and you use a negative scale value, the signs cancel each other and the load value becomes positive.
For curves, Creo Simulate assumes the end points of the curve as the first two interpolation points. If you do not want to use these points, you can select other points on the curve. For surfaces, Creo Simulate does not assume any interpolation points and you need to select each of the points you want to use.
If you define interpolation points and add scale factors before you specify a load value, Creo Simulate assumes a default value of 1. In the case of forces and moments, the software defines this default as an FY = 1 force.
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