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How Structure Imports Loads from Mechanism Design
The loads listed in the Mechanism Load Import dialog box in Structure have the same names as in Mechanism Design unless the Mechanism Design name contains too many characters or characters that are invalid in Structure. There are a few points you should keep in mind when using these loads in Structure.
Structure imports the loads, with the exception of the gravity and centrifugal loads, as unassociated Total Load At Point (TLAP) loads. You must associate each load with a geometric reference in order for it to be retained with the model when you complete your session of Structure.
When Structure imports loads from Mechanism Design, it creates a datum point for the unassociated TLAP, unless one exists. In the case of loads based on reaction forces on translational joint axes in Mechanism Design, the location of the datum point is at the intersection of the zero reference plane for the selected body and the translational axis. You can change the location of this zero reference plane by using the Joint Axis Settings dialog box in Mechanism Design.
For reaction forces on rotational joint axes, the location of the datum point is at the center of the rotational joint axis. This location is determined by Mechanism Design and not easily modified.
Mechanism Design defines loads with respect to the body's LCS. When you import these loads into Structure, the loads are defined with respect to the model's WCS.
When you display the direction for a gravity load by highlighting the name in the Mechanism Load Import dialog box, the shaded arrow appears at the center of gravity of the component, but its icon is shown at the model's WCS.
Structure combines the angular inertial velocity and acceleration components, called Centrifugal1_Vel and Centrifugal1_Acc, respectively, that are imported from Mechanism Design into a single centrifugal load. When you edit the centrifugal load in Structure, the Centrifugal Load dialog box includes the magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration components.
For information on how specific forces and moments transfer from Mechanism Design to Structure loads, see How Loads Transfer to Structure.
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