About General Modeling Options
Use these options to control various aspects of model definition and handling.
Controls whether mesh points will be deleted or retained at the time of deleting elements created by AutoGEM.
Use this configuration option to change the default value of the ratio of expected edge lengths of elements to the radius of the concave surface. The default value is 3.
Use this configuration option when you want AutoGEM to perform more refinement of boundaries for solid meshes. AutoGEM uses the thickness you have specified to refine the entire part or assembly. For large, thin models, AutoGEM may not give the desired results while detecting and refining thin features. In such cases, using this configuration option can result in faster meshing. After creating a valid mesh, AutoGEM coarsens the mesh and creates an efficient mesh for running the analyses.
Use this configuration option to set a default value for Maximum angle in the Auto Map Surfaces area of the Pressure Load dialog box. The value of the angle that you set is used as allowable tolerance for automatic preselection of surfaces of your model that best match the imported FNF mesh. The valid range of values for this option is 0 through 90. If you do not set the value, a value of 10 is used.
Use this configuration option to set a default value for Maximum distance in the Auto Map Surfaces area of the Pressure Load dialog box. The value of the distance you set is used as allowable tolerance for automatic preselection of the surfaces of your model that best match the imported FNF mesh. If you do not set the value, a value of 0.0012 units is used.
Controls the default selection of the characteristic thickness for shell pairs on the Auto Detect Shell Pairs dialog box. It can have values from 0 to model size.
Allows selection of conical surfaces when defining a bearing load. By default you cannot select conical surfaces.
Specifies the path for the beam sections directory, which contains the beam section library files. You must use the full path.
Controls the initial state of the Shell Surfaces check box in the Simulation Display dialog box.
When you set this configuration option to yes, Creo Simulate performs additional checks while meshing a model or running an analysis. Edges that form singular reentrant corners are checked during meshing, and for global interference during an analysis.
These additional checks are performed only when you run the interactive diagnostics during analysis.
Controls the maximum angle between a surface to be extended during shell compression and its adjacent surfaces. If the angle is higher than specified, the adjacent surfaces will be extended. It can have values from 0.0 to 90.0. The default value is 30.0.
0.0 to 90.0
Use this configuration option to set the default method for calculating coefficients for hyperelastic materials. Normalized stress is used when you set it to normalized and non-normalized stresses are used if you set this option non-normalized.
Use this configuration option to load an existing AutoGEM mesh file. When this option is set to no, you are prompted to load the existing AutoGEM mesh from the current working directory. If you set this option to yes and an AutoGEM mesh is available, then this file is automatically loaded and the mesh is displayed.
Specifies the default option for the preview of external loads. If you set the value to mesh, External field edges and External field nodes options are selected in the Load Preview dialog box.
Controls the default subdivision value for mapped meshing in native mode.
positive integers
Controls the default subdivision value for mapped meshing in FEM mode.
positive integers
Specifies the mode that you want to use as the default when you enter Creo Simulate.
The value of this option is structure by default which means that the application opens in structure mode when you open a model for the first time. You can change this option to thermal if you work primarily in thermal mode in which case the application opens in thermal mode every time.
When this option is set to yes you can override the automatically selected axis of symmetry, when defining a cyclic symmetry constraint if the selected references are surfaces. By default, this option has a value no, and you cannot change the axis of symmetry when you define a cyclic symmetry constraint with surfaces as references.
Provides a predefined factor by which a property can vary. During an analysis, if the variation of a property in multiple entities varies by a value greater than this factor, a warning appears. See “Variation in Properties” for a list of properties for which the warning is controlled by this option
positive integers
Sets the default value of the angle to detect edges that form singular reentrant corners. This value is used to identify the singularities in the model for the Isolate for Exclusion AutoGEM control and also for expanded diagnostics check.
Specify a value between 1 and 359. The default value is 120.
Adjusts mesh refinement at the crack tip. Use this option to control the size of the elements that touch the crack tip, relative to the size of the crack. Decrease the value of this option to create a finer mesh.
Values: From 0 to 1.0
This configuration option customizes the AutoGEM mesh elements created at the end of a spot weld. If you set this option to yes, the length of elements that touch the end weld are the same as the diameter of the spot weld.
Interfaces are automatically created between the coincident surfaces and components of an assembly while meshing or running an analysis. Use this configuration option to set the default type of interface for any Structure model. The Creo Simulate > Model Setup dialog box displays the Default Interface for the model.
You can specify any one of the following values:
Use this configuration option to set the default type of the interface for any Thermal model. The Model Setup dialog box displays the Default Interface type for the model.
You can specify any one of the following values:
thermal resistance
If you specify thermal resistance as the default interface type, Creo Simulate automatically creates interfaces with Thermal Resistance between coincident surfaces and components of the assembly while meshing or running analysis.
Controls the maximum angle between a surface to be extended during shell compression and its adjacent surfaces. The adjacent surfaces are extended when the angle has a value greater than the value specified.
You can specify any one of the following values:
0.0 to 90.0
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