To Create an Elastoplastic Material Using Tests
Complete steps 1 to 5 of the procedure To Define an Elastoplastic Material before you perform the following steps:
1. Click Edit to open the Plastic Hardening Law Definition dialog box. The first test, named Test1 by default, is displayed.
2. Click Test > Import or to import an ASCII file containing the experimental stress-strain data
Alternatively enter the stress and strain values in the table. Click Test > Add Row or click to create a new row in the table.
Creo Simulate plots the stress-strain data in the graph and also displays the best-fit curves for the selected hardening laws. The best-fit data curves are displayed in the graph area of the dialog box. By default, data curves for each of the hardening laws are displayed in a unique color.
Perfect Plasticity is not available because the graph is a straight line parallel to the X axis (strain axis). You need to specify only the data beyond the yield point.
3. Select an appropriate material model or select Automatic from the Select Hardening Law list to automatically select the law based on the best fit curve.
4. The root mean square (RMS) error and validity of a selected material model for the specified test are displayed. If a material model is invalid, a red exclamation mark , is displayed for that model.
5. Select Use Best Fit Coefficients to automatically calculate the material constants based on the stress-strain graph. Alternatively clear the Use Best Fit Coefficients check box and specify the values for the material constants.
6. Click OK.
7. Specify the value of Coeff. of Thermal Softening for the material.
8. Specify the Tensile Yield Stress for the material.
9. Specify appropriate values for the remaining fields on different tabs of the Material Definition dialog box.
10. Click Save To Model to save the material definition for the current model. The material you created appears in the Materials in Model list on the Materials dialog box. Click Save To Library if you want to save the material definition to the material library.
The material is added to the database but is associated with a model or part only when you assign it to the model.
After you assign an elastoplastic material to your model you can run a Static Analysis of Models with Elastoplastic Materials for the model.
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