About Using Wildcards
You can use wildcards in the ways described below:
In the column Format in the table format configuration,
In the NC headline
In the NC repeat region
In the NC blockend
In the USER row
System Wildcards
Hole note string. Define the value for this wildcard using the option NOTE_FORMAT.
Hole direction.
Algebraic sign of the direction.
Inverse algebraic sign of the direction.
Hole type. See also Configuring Hole Types.
X position of the hole origin.
Y position of the hole origin.
Z position of the hole origin.
The x direction of the normalized direction vector.
The y direction of the normalized direction vector.
The z direction of the normalized direction vector.
The angle between the coordinate system X axis and the hole axis.
The angle between the coordinate system Y axis and the hole axis.
The angle between the coordinate system Z axis and the hole axis.
The angle between the coordinate system X axis and orientation of the UDF.
The angle between the coordinate system Y axis and orientation of the UDF.
The angle between the coordinate system Z axis and orientation of the UDF.
Polar coordinates:
Outputs of the radial coordinate (radius).
Polar coordinates:
Outputs of the polar angle (azimuth).
The result of the string defined in the hole type definition under USER.
The index in the table. This is only for table output.
The feature number
The feature ID
The name of the feature.
Insert the number of the current line. This is only for NC output.
Insert the number of the current block. Only for NC output.
Insert a line break. This is only for NC output.
Dimension Wildcards
You can use any dimension symbol defined in the type definition. Enter the symbol name in angle brackets. For example, if the hole diameter has the symbol DM1, use the <DM1> wildcard.
Parameter Wildcards
You can use the value of any defined hole parameter. Enter the name of the parameter in angle brackets. For example, use the <FORM> wildcard if the parameter name is FORM.
Formatting and Special Values
You can format each output individually. To define the number of digits, see the list below. For some wildcards, special values are available.
To set the number digits, type a semicolon after the name and then type a number. Under Possible values, the following are listed:
If you do not use a semicolon, the digits are taken from the configuration option DIGITS.
If you add a hyphen (–) in front of the number, the leading zero is removed. This is used, for example, for tolerances.
Use (x) brackets to use the digits from the dimension. If no dimension is found use x digits.
Use ALL to output all existing digits.
A special value for dimensions and parameters is listed in the table below:
Example and Description
Two values separated with the SIGN.
Special values for dimensions are listed in the table below:
Example and Description
<D#TOLLIM> = H7 +0.02/0.00 (DIGITS = 2)
<D#TOLLIM;-3> = H7 +.002/.000
<D#TOLLIM;-ALL> = JS8 +.0011/-.0011
<D#TOL(LIM)> = H7 (+0.02/0.00) (DIGITS = 2)
<D#TOL(LIM);-3> = H7 (+.002/.000)
<D#TOL(LIM);-ALL> = JS8 (+.0011/-.0011)
<D#TOLSYMLIM> = H7 +0.02/0.00 (DIGITS = 2)
<D#TOLSYMLIM;-3> = H7 +.002/.000
<D#TOLSYMLIM;-ALL> = JS8 ±.0011
<D#TOL(SYMLIM)> = H7 (+0.02/0.00) (DIGITS = 2)
<D#TOL(SYMLIM);-3> = H7 (+.002/.000)
<D#TOL(SYMLIM);-ALL> = JS8 (±.0011)
<D#LIM> = +0.02/0.00 (DIGITS = 2)
<D#LIM;-3> = +.002/-.000
<D#LIM;-ALL> = +.0011/-.0011
<D#(LIM)> = (+0.02/0.00) (DIGITS = 2)
<D#(LIM);-3> = (+.002/.000)
<D#(LIM);-ALL> =(+.0011/-.0011)
<D#SYMLIM> = +0.02/0.00 (DIGITS = 2)
<D#SYMLIM;-3> = +.002/.000
<D#SYMLIM;-ALL> = ±.0011
<D#TOL(SYMLIM)> = (+0.02/0.00) (DIGITS = 2)
<D#TOL(SYMLIM);-3> = (+.002/.000)
<D#TOL(SYMLIM);-ALL> = (±.0011)
Prefix of the dimension if set
Suffix of the dimension if set
Output the geometrical tolerance if assigned to the dimension
Output the absolute depth of this element.
Entry in the NC repeat region:
X<X;2> Y<Y;2> DIAMETER: <DM1;(1)> DEPTH: <T1;1> (<FORM>)
This maybe the result:
X10.15 Y20.00 DIAMETER: 15.0 DEPTH: 5.0 (DIN74KM)
Entry in the column D.
Ø<D;(2)> <D#TOL(SYMLIN);-4>
This maybe the result:
Ø10.00 JS8 (±.0011)
Ø10.000 H7 (+.0020/0.0000) — If the digits of the diameter are set to 3.
Ø8.50 — No tolerance is set to the diameter
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