About Creating Duplicated Cavity Insert Assemblies
Most mold bases are used to manufacture multiple parts. In case of multiple cavity mold bases, you may need independent model geometry for individual inserts, for example, in case different cooling channels need to be applied to the cavity inserts.
Duplicate Cavity feature uses the external merge features to create copies of the insert assemblies.
Even if you want to create a single cavity mold, it is recommended to create a copy of the insert assembly as the work piece can be removed so that it does not appear in the design.
You can manually create copies of the original insert assembly using family tables or Copy Geom features, or you can follow the procedure:
Cavity insert assemblies based on family tables should not be used with Duplicate Cavity.
1. With the original manufacturing model active, click > . The Create Insert Copies dialog box opens.
2. Double-click the Type column to set copy options:
Copy—Creates a new copy of this component using a external merge feature
Ignore—Does not include the component in the copy.
Keep—Retains the original models in the copied assemblies.
3. In the Quantity box, enter a value for the number of copies to generate.
4. Choose a wildcard character when generating names for the copied models and assemblies. When you make copies of an assembly or insert, the wildcard character is added as a suffix along with a numerical increment. For instance, modelname_copy_1.abc, modelname_copy_2.abc, and so on.
5. Click OK to create the copies of the active assembly and then close the dialog box or click Cancel to close the dialog box.
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