About Working with the Bill of Materials
The bill of material (BOM) generally displays information about parts and assemblies of the mold base as parameter values.
While most of the parameters can be customized, the three columns on the left of the BOM table cannot be changed.
Use the first column to expand summarized components.
Toggle between the VISIBLE state from to adds the component to the Hidden Parts List at the lower section of the BOM. This can be useful to exclude parts such as workpieces or subassemblies. Alternatively, simultaneously toggle the VISIBLE state for multiple components by using the Show/Hide buttons from the right-click menu.
The MODEL column displays the component type and the component name.
Parts and assemblies are displayed with different icons and .
If a component occurs multiple times in the mold base, then its parent is highlighted with a .
Click to refresh the BOM.
Select multiple components with Ctrl or Shift. Right-click and select Cut and Paste to move them to another position in the BOM.
Use Ctrl +X and Ctr +V to Cut and Paste rows in the BOM.
You can move selected components by using the icons and .
Click Find to search entries in the table. The search results appear in red.
Click to start the model Size calculation process for all models. You can assign the size of a component to a parameter with the default value &size.
Neutral file formats such as STEP and IGES can be exported from the BOM dialog box.
1. Select a component in the list and specify the format in the file format option menu.
2. Click to export the file.
The neutral 3D file will be written to the working directory.
The content of the BOM can be exported to a specified text file.
a. Click to export the text file to the working directory
With the EMX Option of BOM_FILENAME, you can set a name for this file.
Click to export BOM content to a text file in the working directory
You can set the file name with the configuration Option BOM_FILENAME.
Click to copy the content to the Clipboard.
Click to export the content to Excel.
The Export To Excel functionality can be configured in EMX Assembly > EMX Options > Export To Excel tab.
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