About Setting BOM Data in Component Editor
1. Click EMX > Administrator Tools > Component Editor to open the Component Editor dialog box.
2. Click Open model or *.dat file and then browse to and double-click the *.dat. file of a library component or any standard EMX part. The path to the currently active library component or EMX component appears.
3. On the left hand side of the dialog box the component details are listed
4. Click to update the preview image of the current model.
5. Part Name, File Name and Subdirectory are auto based on the selected template and can not be edited.
6. The ID needs to an Integer values. (This is only relevant for Guide components). The id can be used to assign a guide to a certain guide role in the Mold Base Definition dialog box.
7. The Material can be selected. In the option menu all available EMX materials are listed.
8. The Model Type (Part or Assembly) is automatically set when a model is in session.
9. The remaining settings of the library component can be editeon the following tabs:
10. Click the BOM Data tab to modify the BOM dat relevant entries.
The tab contains a table equal to the Part Names section in the EMX Options.
For each File Name (or subcomponent for assemblies) of the library component a part name rule is listed.
The Source column defines from which source the part name rule will be determined. Three different sources can be defined. Double-Click the cell to edit the source.
1. Default. In this case the default rule ANY defined in the EMX Options > Part Names is used when renaming the file. The entries can not be edited for this source
2. Global. In case a rule exists for the given file name in the global part names list it will be applied to this file name when renaming. The entries can not be edited in the Component Editor. Changes to global rules must be applied in the EMX Options directly.
3. Local. In case a local source is defined the part name rule will be save directly to the EMX BOM_INFO section in the library dat file. Rules with local source are used with highest priority. In case a global rule exists for the same file name, the local rule will substitute the global rule. The entries for local rules can be edited directly in the Component Editor
11. Click to take a snapshot of the current window.
12. Click to preview the all of the component data in a dialog box.
13. Click to save component data.
14. Select Archive all instances to create new models for each instance of the current library component or standard part. Use the ARCHIV_PATH configuration option to set the path to the archive.
15. Select Split comp_data.txt file
to select a comp_data.txt file which was the default standard of component data equal and prior to version 9.0
16. Click Close to close the dialog box.
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