What's New: Creo Parametric 10.0 > > Fundamentals > Enhancements to the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree
Enhancements to the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location:
On the Model Tree toolbar, click Quilt/Body Evolution Tree.
On the Design Tree toolbar, click Quilt/Body Evolution Tree.
Additional capabilities have been introduced in the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree to improve the user interaction when working with the tree.
The following areas were enhanced in the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree:
Drag and Drop action:
Ability to drag and drop bodies, quilts, and features from the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree to the custom groups in the Design Tree or custom groups under the Design Items in the Model Tree.
Tree Columns
Ability to configure and display tree columns.
Ability to control the column visibility.
Simple Search
Quick search & filter capabilities like Model Tree and Design Tree.
Support for search in columns.
Support predefined type searches for bodies or quilts.
Managing full tree settings in the .ui file:
Automatically save the settings for the Quilt/Body Evolution Tree to a *.ui file.
These enhancements enable more productive usage of the Quit/Body Evolution Tree.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
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