What's New: Creo Parametric 10.0 > > Manikin > Manikin Individual Snapshots
Manikin Individual Snapshots
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: In the Manikin Tree, individual snapshots are located in the Snapshots node under the Manikin node for each manikin, and scene snapshots are located in the scene Snapshots node under Manikin Tree.
Manikins now support two types of snapshots, scene-level snapshots, and individual manikin-level snapshots.
Scene snapshots capture all the constraints that apply to the overall design scene, including its components, and all the manikins in the model.
Individual manikin snapshots capture the active constraints and component positions only for the specific manikin in its own position within the design scene.
The ability to capture individual manikin snapshots is useful when you work with multiple manikins in a scene, and you reposition and capture multiple manikins using snapshots. Capturing snapshots for individual manikins gives you control over each individual manikin's posture and position in a scene that contains multiple manikins.
You can use both individual-level snapshots and scene-level snapshots in the same scene, and you can switch between the snapshot types.
You now have control over snapshots for each individual manikin's posture and position in a scene with multiple manikins present, in addition to pre-existing overall scene snapshots controlling all manikins.
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