What's New: Creo Parametric 10.0 > > Model-Based Definition > Improvements to the General Profile Tolerance
Improvements to the General Profile Tolerance
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: GD&T Advisor ribbon.
General Profile Tolerance (GPT) with semantic information is now available in Creo.
Previously, GPT was represented as a simple note, and none of its properties were reflected by its parameters.
GPT created with GD&T Advisor is now represented as a geometrical tolerance annotation type, which means that all properties of the annotation are also conveyed to its parameters.
Previously, all model surfaces associated with the general profile could be colored. However, the actual model surfaces were not added as semantic references to the annotation.
Additionally, GPT is now associated to the relevant surfaces of the model. This means that any model surfaces that are not otherwise specified with other GD&T annotations will be added to the general profile tolerance as semantic references.
The semantic references that are associated with a general profile tolerance are automatically updated with every model change when the GD&T Advisor application is active. If the GD&T Advisor is not running, this feature is not supported. To update references that are associated with a general profile tolerance, activate the GD&T Advisor and validate annotations. This automatically updates the General Profile Tolerance (GPT) semantic references.
Automatic updates are enabled if the Auto-update_Gen_Prof_Refs option in GDTAAppOptions.xml is set to “yes,” which is the default setting. If the option is set to “no,” click Operations->Update General Profile References to update the references.
With this enhancement, GPT now contains all relevant semantic references from the model. This helps to convey the true Model-Based Definition (MBD) state of the model for the downstream use.
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Configuration option associated with this functionality:
In case of very large models, it may take longer to update the semantic references. If you want to avoid this, you can use the newly added tag Auto-update_Gen_Prof_Refs in GDTAAppOptions.xml to control the automatic update of the semantic references into GPT.
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