What's New: Creo Parametric 10.0 > > Part Modeling > Multibody: Appearance and Reference Propagation for Boolean Operations
Multibody: Appearance and Reference Propagation for Boolean Operations
Creo Parametric
User Interface Location: Click Model > Boolean Operations.
Boolean Operations now provide more control over appearance and reference propagation from modifying bodies to modified bodies. All Boolean operations (Merge, Subtract, and Intersect) now provide the following new control options:
Copy Surface Appearances
Copy appearances from surfaces of the modifying body to their counterpart surfaces in the resulting modified body. Considered counterpart surfaces include copied surfaces in additive operations as well as mating surfaces in subtractive operations.
Copied appearances include:
Surface appearances
Body appearances
These will be copied as new surface appearances on the modified body.
Update References
Reroute child feature references to surfaces of the modifying body to their counterpart surfaces in the modified body upon body subtract, merge, or intersect.
A typical use would be to forward annotation references.
This option is only available if the modifying body is consumed in the operation.
Easily reuse appearance and annotation-based design intent during Boolean operations.
Transfer color-coded information such as geometric tolerances or surface area indications when merging or subtracting bodies.
Reuse fully annotated geometric bodies.
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