Global Sensitivity Study
In a global sensitivity study, Creo Simulate calculates values for all measures that are valid for the analyses included in the study. The software specifically calculates the changes in your model's measures when you vary a design variable over a specified range. Creo Simulate does this by calculating measure values at regular intervals within a variable range. The design variable is actually swept through its full range in a specified number of steps. The results from this study produce a graph that depicts the value of selected measures versus the value of the design variable. If you select four steps for the global sensitivity study, the results will contain five data points, including the extra point from the initial position. You can vary more than one variable simultaneously.
You can also examine the results for a global sensitivity study as a graph of a measure for a selected design variable.
*Creo Simulate does not calculate dynamic step measures when you use dynamic time, frequency, or random response analyses in a global sensitivity study.
The Sensitivity Study Definition dialog box contains the following items:
Analyses—Select one or more analyses from this list. Creo Simulate calculates and displays results separately for each analysis.
Variables—Click or to select and add a dimension or a Creo Parametric parameter to the Variables table of your design study.
Steps—Enter the number of intervals that you want Creo Simulate to use in the study. Creo Simulate distributes these intervals equally across each design variables range and calculates values for your model's measures at each interval. You can enter from 1 to 999 intervals. The default is 10.
*Increasing the number of intervals increases the computation time for the design study.
Options—Use this option to direct Creo Simulate to carry out additional calculations during the study.
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