To Format a Fringe, Contour, Vector, Model, or Animation Result Window
This procedure assumes that you have defined and displayed one or more result windows. Note that all toggles mentioned below are on by default.
1. Select the result windows you want to format.
If you want to apply the same window format to more than one result window, press the SHIFT key and click each of the windows you want.
2. Click > > . The Visibilities dialog box opens.
3. If you want to toggle titles at the bottom of the selected result windows, click Title.
4. If you want to toggle a descriptive label at the top left corner of the selected result windows, click Label.
5. If you want to toggle the view coordinate system (
WCS) for the selected result windows, click
6. If you want to toggle legends for the selected windows, click Legend.
| If you do not turn legends on, it is more difficult to interpret color values for your model, and you might need to use the Dynamic Query command to gain an understanding of your results. There are no legends for model displays or unfringed animations. |
7. If you have selected a contour result window only and want to toggle contour labels, click Contour Labels.
8. Click OK.