Output Steps
The Output Steps area on the Output tab of the Static Analysis dialog box is available only when the Nonlinear / Use Load Histories check box is selected. You can use the items in this area of the Output tab to define how the output results of an analysis are to be calculated.
You can specify the time steps at which you want
Creo Simulate to calculate results. At each step the results are calculated for the corresponding magnitude of load as defined by the
time dependence function.
You need to note here that although load histories are specified with respect to time, this is not a dynamic analysis. All loads are assumed to be applied slowly so that dynamic effects can be ignored. The output steps define the order of loading, the rate or duration of loading is immaterial.
The Output Steps area contains the following items:
• Automatic Steps within Range—Automatically selects the time steps to be used for the analysis. Creo Simulate automatically calculates full results to be displayed at all of the times listed in the entire load and constraint set history table functions.
The following options are displayed when you select this option:
◦ Minimum Time—Specifies the lower limit of the time range.
◦ Maximum Time—Select one of the following options:
▪ Automatic—Specifies that the maximum time step is the highest value of time in a constraint set or load set table function that is selected for the analysis.
▪ User-defined—Allows you to manually specify the maximum time step.
• User-defined Output Steps—Manually defines the time steps for which the output is to be calculated. You can then specify individual time steps for each output step.
The following items are displayed when you select this option:
◦ Full results—For large deformation static analysis or elastoplastic analysis, select the check boxes next to the time steps for which you want to save and display full results.
When you select a MEC/T history load from the Load Set / Component list, all the time steps of the transient thermal analysis associated with the MEC/T history temperature load are used to report results and are hence inactive. The Full results check boxes are active and selected by default.
◦ User-defined Steps—Allows you to manually define the time steps at which to display the results. The value of the last step is the maximum time from the table function for the load set for which the analysis is being run. You can manually change the value of the last time step.
◦ Space Equally—Evenly spaces the time steps from 0 to the maximum time step.
—Displays full results for all the time steps.
—Does not display full results for any of the time steps.
Include unloading—Available only if your model contains elastoplastic materials. Due to the effects of plasticity, residual stress and strain can remain even after the load is removed. When the model contains elastoplastic material, the Full results check box adjacent to Include unloading is active. Unloading is equivalent to setting the value of the load to 0. In the results window, unloading is displayed as the last time step.
For example, consider a model in which the number of time steps is 4, and the model contains elastoplastic materials. If you have selected
Include unloading and
Full results on the analysis definition dialog box, then in the
Results window the number of
steps is 5. The last step is unloading, for which the value of the load is 0.
If the plastic strain changes significantly during the unloading step then you must not use the
Include unloading check box to define unloading. You can determine this by plotting a results graph of maximum equivalent plastic strain against time and checking if there is a significant change in plastic strain during the unloading step of the graph. In such cases, you must clear the
Include unloading check box and define
load history functions for gradual unloading instead.