Preparing Your Model
Before using AutoGEM, you should take the following steps to ensure that AutoGEM creates the best set of elements for your model:
• If you know in advance that you want more solid or shell elements near a specific location, add geometry or simulation features that AutoGEM can use to refine the mesh, such as datum points, curves, surfaces, or regions.
• Before using AutoGEM on a curve for 3D models, you need to assign a
beam idealization. AutoGEM automatically creates beam end points, as required, so you do not need to add datum points.
When you select a curve for AutoGEM and the curve does not have a beam idealization, AutoGEM will mesh the curve, but you will encounter problems at analysis time if you have not fully defined the beam. To prevent problems of this sort, we recommend always adding the beam idealization before you run AutoGEM.
• Before using AutoGEM on a surface for 2D plane stress models, you need to assign a simple or advanced shell idealization.
◦ reentrant corners on individual surfaces
◦ points with loads or constraints in Structure or with heat loads, prescribed temperatures, or convection conditions in Thermal