To Specify Mass Properties of a Part
1. Click to open the Mass Properties dialog box.
2. Select Part or Top-Level Layout from the list.
3. Select a part on the model.
4. Select one of the following methods from the Define properties by list:
Mass properties
5. To change the default part coordinate system, select a different coordinate system.
6. If you are defining mass properties by density, follow these steps:
a. Type a Density value.
b. Select the moment of Inertia relative to either the current coordinate system or the center of gravity.
c. Click Apply. The mass and moment of inertia values are updated.
7. If you have selected Mass properties from the Define properties by list, follow these steps:
a. Enter a Mass value.
b. Enter the Center of Gravity location coordinates.
c. Select the type of Inertia and the accept the default values or type new values.
8. Click Apply.
9. Click OK.
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