Schmidt Number—Ratio of momentum diffusivity (kinematic viscosity) to species (mass) diffusivity.
density kg/m3
dynamic viscosity Pa-s
diffusivity m2/s
Turbulent Schmidt Number—Ratio of the eddy viscosity to the eddy diffusivity.
density kg/m3
dynamic turbulent viscosity kg/m-s
kinematic turbulent viscosity m2/s
turbulent mass diffusivity m2/s
Convective Flux— Boundary condition, in which the transported flux of scalar per unit area, is a function of the external ambient concentration and an exchange coefficient:
Convective Flux
Mass Flux
scalar flux kg/m2-s
Exchange Coefficient
convective transport coefficient kg/m2-s
Convection Ambient Concentration
ambient value of scalar
The value of the scalar is also referred to as concentration when you view results or plots.
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