About the Unbend User Interface
The Unbend user interface consists of commands, tabs, and shortcut menus. Click > to access the Unbend tool.
• Bent geometry selection buttons:
Automatic—Automatically selects all curved surface and edge references.
Manual—Manually selects individual curved surface and edge references.
• ![](../../sheetmetal/sheetmetaldesign/images/fixed_geom16x16.png)
Fixed Geometry reference collector—Displays a planar surface or edge reference that remains fixed during the unbend operation.
—When a nontangent edge is selected, flips the side of the edge that remains fixed during a bend back operation.
| The part-level fixed geometry reference is used as the default feature reference. |
• References
Use the References tab to add and remove bent and fixed geometry references.
◦ Bent geometry—Displays manually selected bent surface or edge references in the collector.
◦ Fixed geometry—Displays the planar surface or edge reference that remains fixed during an unbend operation.
◦ Flip—When a nontangent edge is selected, flips the side of the edge that remains fixed during an unbend operation.
• Deformations
Use the Deformations tab to add and remove deformation surface references from the part.
◦ Deformation surfaces—Use to select additional deformation surface references.
◦ Automatic detected deformation surfaces—Lists all automatically detected deformation surfaces and other selected deformation surfaces.
◦ Details—Opens the Surface Sets dialog box to set surface selection.
• Distinct Areas
Use the Distinct Areas tab to display and set a fixed geometry reference for one or more distinct areas in the part.
◦ Distinct Area list—Displays all automatically detected distinct area references.
◦ Fixed geometry—Displays the surface or edge reference that remains fixed during the unbend operation. When you select a nontangent edge, click the Flip button to flip the side of the edge that remains fixed during the unbend operation.
• Deformation Control
Use the Deformation Control tab to set the type of deform control.
◦ Deformation Control Collector—Displays all of the automatically detected deformation surfaces and other selected deformation surfaces.
◦ Sets the type of deformation control to apply to the selected area:
Blend boundaries—Blends the boundaries of the deformation area with the adjacent part edges.
Rip—Rips the deformation area out of the part.
Sketch area—Defines the flat shape of the deformation area using Sketcher.
• Options
Use the Options tab to create the relief geometry during the Unbend operation and to define if side surfaces in the same location are removed.
◦ Create relief geometry—Creates corner relief geometry as set in the Relief area of the Sheetmetal Preferences dialog box. You can create relief only for corners that do not have relief already specified.
Clear the check box to create relief only during a Flat Pattern or other Unbend operations according to predefined settings.
| For legacy models, these additional options become available: Flat pattern corner relief—Uses the corner relief settings defined for a flat pattern feature. Corner relief parameters—Uses the corner relief settings defined by the sheet metal parameters. |
• Properties
Use the Properties tab to display detailed feature information.
◦ Name—Shows a name for the feature.
◦ ![](../../sheetmetal/sheetmetaldesign/images/dash_info.png)
—Shows feature information in a browser.
Shortcut Menus
Right-click the graphic window to access the following shortcut commands:
• Bent Geometry—Activates the bent geometry collector for manual selection.
• Fixed Geometry—Activates the fixed geometry collector.
• Deformation Surfaces—Activates the deformation surface collector.
• Fixed Geometry in Distinct Area—Activates the fixed geometry reference collector to set the surface or edge reference that remains fixed during the Unbend operation.
• Clear—Removes the selected reference from the active collector.
• Manual Selection—Activates manual selection of bent geometry references.
• Automatic Selection—Activates automatic selection of all bent geometry references.
• Edit Distinct Areas—Edits a fixed geometry reference for a selected distinct area.
• Edit Deformation Control—Edits the type of deformation control to apply to a selected area.
• Flip Fixed Geometry Side—When a nontangent edge is selected, flips the side of the edge that remains fixed during the Unbend operation.