Piping > Tutorials > Exercise 3—Updating Piping Models > Changing and Updating Colors
Changing and Updating Colors
Use the sample files provided at <Creo load point>\Common Files\help\sample_models\piping when working in this exercise. It is recommended that you create a copy of the piping folder on your computer and set up piping data before you start working with the tutorial.
1. Check the existing insulation code.
2. Change the insulation code and color.
3. Check the changed insulation code.
4. Update the color in the model.
Check the Existing Insulation Code
1. Open the piping folder and set the piping_assembly folder as the Working Directory.
2. Open manifold_skid.asm.
3. Click Applications > Piping. The Piping tab opens.
4. Click Create Pipe. The Create Pipeline dialog box opens.
5. In the Specification box, select rw.
The Insulation box displays the value EN.
6. Click Cancel to close the Create Pipeline dialog box.
Change the Insulation Code and Color
1. Click Spec DB. The Define Piping Specification dialog box opens.
2. Click . The Open File dialog box opens.
3. Double-click the piping_spec_dir.csv file to open it.
4. In the Select Record box, select rw Water blue rw_layer rw_asfile EN.
5. In the Color box, select yellow.
6. In the Insulation Code box, select EK.
7. Click to insert the changes to the selected record.
8. Click to save the changes.
9. Close the Define Piping Specification dialog box.
Check the Changed Insulation Code
1. Click Create Pipe. The Create Pipeline dialog box opens.
2. In the Specification box, select rw.
The Insulation box displays the value EK.
3. Close the Create Pipeline dialog box.
Update the Color in the Model
1. Click Setup > Update Model. The Update Model dialog box opens.
2. Under Model Information, click to select all the options to update.
3. Click OK. The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click Yes to confirm the update. The dialog boxes close and Spec-Driven Piping updates the active assembly information. Spec-Driven Piping confirms the update in the message area.
The color of the pipe segment changes to yellow.
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