Reducing Regeneration Time
When you regenerate a part after modifying it, the system recalculates the geometry of the part. For example, changing dimensional values, editing relations, or altering dimension tables require part regeneration.
The system performs a fast regeneration by regenerating only the features affected by certain actions. Fast regeneration is performed in the following situations:
• Modifying dimension values—The part regenerates from the earliest modified feature only.
• Resuming features—The part regenerates from the earliest resumed feature.
• Redefining features, and modifying schemes and patterns—The part regenerates from the earliest modified feature only.
The entire part is regenerated when you modify the following:
• Part accuracy
• Part unit value
You can significantly enhance regeneration time by doing the following:
• Create identical or varying patterns instead of general patterns.
• Suppress features that have not been modified since the last regeneration.