About the Lattice Representation
Define the lattice representation by selecting from the Representation list. The lattice representations that are available depend on the lattice type.
• Full geometry—Creates solid geometry that includes all properties and an accurate appearance. Full geometry representation requires more resources and might cause the system to be slow, particularly when the lattice contains a large number of lattice cells. Full geometry representations can be exported to 3D printers.
• Simplified—Creates a lightweight approximation of the lattice. The mass properties are also approximated. Using a simplified representation enhances performance.
Starting in Creo 5, simplified lattices are included in the calculation of mass properties. For lattices saved before Creo 5, you must regenerate the model before simplified lattices are included.
• Homogenized—For beams lattice, creates a special quilt with semi-transparent surfaces to represent the lattice volume. This representation defines the lattice without actually creating it in the model. The mathematical definition of the lattice is stored with the model, to use for analyses in Creo Simulate. Homogenized representation is specially used for dense lattice structures, as it considerably reduces model size and analysis run time.
• Volumetric—In formula-driven lattice, creates volumetric lattice.
◦ Accuracy—Sets the level of accuracy of the volumetric lattice representation.
• Custom—Design your own lattice cell in Creo Parametric Part mode, and then import the PRT file into the part model to use as the lattice cell.
Open Cell—Imports the part to use as a cell for a custom designed lattice feature.
Mixed representation geometry is bodies that contain geometry other than boundary representation (b-rep) geometry. Simplified lattice, homogenized lattice, and volumetric lattice are types of mixed representation geometry.
The following behaviors apply to mixed representation geometry in Creo:
• Cannot be selected as modifying bodies in Boolean operations.
• Cannot be split.
• Cannot be used as a tool to cut b-rep geometry.