About Using the PTC Windchill Database
The Windchill database allows you to store shape information for different iterations of each model. Set the WC_DUPINFO configuration option in the config_init.mc file to Y to store the shape information for models in the Windchill database.
When you run Creo ModelCHECK on a model, the following mass property parameters are automatically designated, if they are not already designated:
Volume (MC_VOLUME)
Surface area (MC_AREA)
Principal Moment of Inertia 1 (MC_INERTIA_1)
Principal Moment of Inertia 2 (MC_INERTIA_2)
Principal Moment of Inertia 3 (MC_INERTIA_3)
These parameters are available as Reported Mass Properties parameters in the Parameters dialog box.
When you save a model, these parameters, which are designated parameters, store the shape attributes. These parameters are automatically stored as system parameters in the Windchill database when you check in the model.
*The Windchill Database Administrator must create the global attributes for these parameters and they must be of type real number with no default values. The Windchill Database Administrator must define the types for the global attributes using the Type Manager and give permissions to change the values.
Creo ModelCHECK uses the shape attributes stored in the Windchill database to search for duplicate models. The SEARCH_DUP_MODELS check searches for the duplicate models. You can specify the tolerance percentage for the attributes using options in the constant configuration file (MCSI1_TOL through MCSI5_TOL). Only those models with all the attributes within the tolerance range are considered as duplicate models and are reported. The report is displayed in Windchill.
The search for duplicate models is performed only on the active Windchill server registered in Creo Parametric. Registered servers that are not active are not searched. When you run Creo ModelCHECK , the SEARCH_DUP_MODELS check provides a Search for the active Windchill server in the Creo ModelCHECK report. Click Search in the report to initiate a context-sensitive search of all the visible server contexts for duplicate models and their details. If there is no active server, Search is not available in the Creo ModelCHECK report and Creo ModelCHECK displays a message. No search results are returned when you do not enable the context-sensitive search or if the search is not properly configured in the active server.
The search for duplicate models is only performed against indexed objects. Objects in the local cache are not indexed. Objects uploaded to the workspace are indexed.
The search for duplicate models is not performed on legacy models in which the mass property parameters are not available, or designated, or not compatible with the parameters required for the search.
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