To Create a Clearance and Creepage File
You can create a clearance and creepage file in the Microsoft Excel or CSV format.
Follow the steps below to create a clearance and creepage file in Microsoft Excel (*.xls, *.xlsx) format.
1. Open a new file in Microsoft Excel.
2. Name the first sheet Clearance, the second sheet Creepage, and the third sheet Groove width.
3. Click the Clearance tab.
4. In the first row starting with column B, type the names of all nets in the model.
5. In the first column starting with row 2, type the names of all nets.
6. Specify the clearance threshold for all net pairs.
7. Click the Creepage tab.
8. Repeat step 4 and 5 and specify the creepage threshold for all net pairs.
9. Click the Groove width tab.
10. Repeat step 4 and 5 and specify the groove width for all net pairs.
11. Save the file.
Follow the steps below to create a clearance and creepage file in CSV (*.csv) format.
1. Open a new file in any text editor on Windows or UNIX.
2. Type the heading for the file and insert it inside comment symbols (!). The heading can flow in multiple rows.
You can insert any text, not only headings, as comments anywhere inside the CSV file.
3. In the first non-blank and non-comment row, type the names of all the nets in the model separated by a comma.
4. Define three data tables for the clearance threshold values, creepage threshold values, and groove widths respectively. If there are N number of nets in the model, then each table will consist of N-1 number of rows. All values in each row must be separated by a comma. The order of these tables in the CSV file is not important. The headings for the three data tables must be inserted in special comment lines as shown below. The table headings are not case-sensitive.
!#Groove width
5. Save the file as a .csv file.
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