To Add a Set of Components to a Net
1. Click Analysis > Electrical Clearance. The Clearance and Creepage dialog box opens.
2. Click Setup > Nets. The Nets dialog box opens.
3. Specify a value for Connectivity gap.
This value applies to all nets. If you change the value after creating all the nets, Creo Parametric regenerates all the nets.
4. Select a net from the list.
5. Click the Sets tab. If the selected net is not empty, a list of sets in the net appears.
6. Click Add in the Sets tabbed page. A new set is added to the list of sets. When you add the first set to a net, the Seed collector becomes active.
7. Select a set from the list.
8. Click and select a conductive component from the assembly. This component becomes a seed for creating a set. It serves as a starting point for series of search operations for conductive components that form a set. If the selected component is not conductive, an error message appears.
9. Click Find to create a set of conductive components.
When the distance between any conductive component in an assembly and the seed component is less than the value of the connectivity gap, the component is added to the set. The seed component serves as a starting point of the series of the search. Every new conductive component added to the set becomes the seed.
10. Click Apply. The selected set is added to the selected net and its status changes. A valid net has no keyword appended to it.
To remove any sets from the net, select the set from the list of sets on the Set tab and click Remove.
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