Model Analysis > Creo Behavioral Modeling Tools > Analysis Feature > Tip: Using the Graph as a Result of the Analysis Feature
Tip: Using the Graph as a Result of the Analysis Feature
When you create an analysis feature using a UDA made on curve or edge, you have the ability to create a datum graph. The x-axis of the graph represents the curve Length parameter that varies from 0 to 1 along the curve or edge. The y-axis represents the computed UDA value as a function of the curve Length parameter.
You can create feature parameters using an analysis feature of relation type to capture the values from this graph.
The following example illustrates this technique.
Suppose the analysis feature creates the graph (containing the UDA) called analysis1. You can create a relation initial_value = evalgraph("analysis1",0) that sets the value of the floating point real parameter initial_value to the y-axis value which corresponds to the x-axis value of 0 in the graph of analysis1. You can now use initial_value parameter just like any analysis feature parameter in a sensitivity, optimization, or feasibility study. For example, you can study the effect of some model dimensions on the initial value of the graph.
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