Manufacturing > Custom Cycles > To Modify a Custom Cycle
To Modify a Custom Cycle
You can modify a custom cycle when creating a Custom Holemaking NC sequence, by using the Customize Cycle dialog box.
You can also modify a custom cycle by using the Cycles tabbed page of the Work Center dialog box. Click Add to open the Customize Cycle dialog box.
1. On the top toolbar of the Customize Cycle dialog box, click .
2. Select the name of the cycle in the Existing Cycles list box.
3. Click the right mouse button and select Modify cycle from the pop-up menu.
The Customize Cycle dialog box displays the cycle’s name, type, prompts, syntax string, and tool motions. You can modify any of these elements, for example, add keywords and parameters to the syntax string, define new references or variables, or change the tool motions.
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