Manufacturing > Tool Motions for NC Sequences > To Create an Exit Along Axis Tool Motion
To Create an Exit Along Axis Tool Motion
This tool motion creates an exit motion along the tool axis vector and is applicable only to 4- and 5-axis NC steps.
1. On the Trajectory, Face, or Profile tab, select Exit Along Tool Axis in the Tool Motions list. The Exit Along Tool Axis dialog box opens. The dialog box contains the following options:
2. Reference cut—Displays the referenced cut name.
3. Exit Distance—Set the distance to exit the cut at a speed specified by the RETRACT_FEED parameter.
4. Pullout Distance—Set the distance to exit the cut at a speed specified by the CUT_FEED parameter
5. Click Parameters to edit the tool motion parameters using the Edit Parameters dialog box.
6. Click OK to create the approach motion, or click Cancel to cancel.
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