Load Cases
A load case is a set of constraints and loads used to define a particular loading condition. You can use one or more load cases for the study. The optimization result is separately calculated for each load case. However, the final design is generated considering all the load cases associated with the model.
You can define the following constraints and loads for your model:
Loads are available only in a structural study.
The constraints and loads appear under the default load case node in the Generative Tree. In case of a structural study, a load case must have at least one load and one constraint, except special cases. Adding a displacement constraint is a special case where the constraint and displacement, together, fully define a load case.
You can define multiple load cases for the study, however, only one load case is active at a time. You can add constraints and loads only to the active load case.
Load Case Status
The following glyphs on the Generative Tree indicate the status of the load case:
—Empty. No constraints or loads are defined for the load case. You must either define this load case or remove it from the study for running optimization.
—Active. You can add constraints and loads only to the active load case.
—There are issues.
| Move the pointer over the icon to see the tooltip that helps you resolve the issues. |
To Create a New Load Case for the Study
To create a new load case for the study, do one of the following:
• Click
Add Load Case.
• Select a load case in the Generative Tree, and on the mini toolbar click
A new load case node is added to the Generative Tree. It becomes the active node by default.
To Activate a Load Case
Select a load case in the Generative Tree, and on the mini toolbar click
Activate. The selected load case becomes the active load case.
To Copy a Load Case
To create a copy of a load case, do one of the following:
• Right-click a load case in the Generative Tree and click Duplicate. A copy of the selected load case is created and added under the study.
• Right-click a load case in the Generative Tree and click
Copy. Right-click the study node and click
| When you create a copy of a load case, the new load case is independent of the first load case. If you modify the load values in the first load case, the copied load case remains unchanged. |
To Rename or Delete a Load Case
Right-click a load case in the Generative Tree and click
Rename or
To Add Constraints and Loads to a Load Case
You can add constraints and loads in the following ways:
• Select constraints and loads from the Physics group, if you are working on the active load case.
• Select a surface in the graphics window, and on the mini toolbar select a constraint or load, if you are working on the active load case.
• Drag constraints and loads from other load cases.
• Copy constraints and loads from other load cases.
To Edit Constraints and Loads in a Load Case
You can edit constraints and loads in one of the following ways:
• Select the constraint or load in the Generative Tree, and on the mini toolbar click
Edit Definition.
• Select the constraint or load in the graphics window, and on the mini toolbar click
Edit Definition, if it belongs to the active load case.
To Delete Constraints and Loads from a Load Case
You can delete constraints and loads in one of the following ways:
• Select the constraint or load in the Generative Tree, and on the mini toolbar click
• Right-click the constraint or load in the graphics window and click
Delete, if it belongs to the active load case.