About System Appearance
Creo Parametric provides predefined appearance themes, which consist of user interface and system colors. Both can be customized separately for optimized system appearance.
System Appearance user interface is located in the File > Options, under System Appearance on the left side menu. The system appearance tab contains customization options for the Theme, Interface, and System Colors.
Sets the system appearance both for the user interface and system colors. The predefined themes are:
Default Theme
Light Theme
Dark Theme
Sets the system appearance for the ribbon, quick access bar, model tree, In-graphics toolbar, dialog box, and the status bar. The predefined interfaces are:
System Colors
Sets the system colors for the various entities in the graphics window. The predefined system colors are located in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box, under the Global Colors in the Graphics node. The predefined system colors are:
Default — Medium tone background color scheme.
Light (Previous Creo Default) — Light color background color scheme.
Dark — Dark color background color scheme.
Black on White — White color background with black entities.
White on Black — Black color background with light entities.
Custom — User defined color scheme.
Import Button
The Import button opens the Open dialog box. You can browse and select the .scl file that you want to load to change to a custom color scheme.
Customizing System Colors
You can customize the system colors by:
Changing the colors and then saving the changes by clicking the Export button.
Import a .scl file to load and set the custom color that you want.
Modifying System Colors Using Configuration Options
Modifies the colors by using the config.pro file. For more information:
Graphics Node
Sets colors for the main graphic elements and background. You can customize your background color by changing the color in the Background node and adding a gradient by performing the following:
1. Click the Background list, and click Gradient.
2. Clear the No Gradient check box.
3. Click More Gradients and choose the gradient colors.
Datum Node
Set colors for datum planes, axes, points, and coordinate systems. You can choose another color in the Datum node from the Graphics section.
Geometry Node
Color used to display edges of solid geometry in non-shaded display modes. You can choose another color in the Geometry node from the Graphics section.
Sketcher Node
Set colors for sketcher entities. To change the default colors of the entities, click the color to display the 13 default color settings, and select the desired new color.
Export Button
Allows you to export the manually customized system colors, and saves the customization as a .scl file.
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