To Configure Table Formats
To open the Configuration Dialog, click > .
Table formats
Lists existing table formats. Select a line to activate it. Edit the name in the input panel below the list.
—Add new table format after the selected table format.
—Delete the selected table format.
—Reorder the list.
the selected table format is copied. The new table format is added after the selected table format.
Hole Types/UDF
List with existing hole types and UDFs. Selected types can be written to this table format. This is important if the option
YES. In this case the table format where the hole type or UDF is first selected is used for output.
| A type can only be written to a table, if it is selected at least one time. |
—All types are selected for the current table format.
—All types are deselected for the current table format.
Possible Values
In the tree all possible values are shown. There are Standard values, Formatting and special values, and Hole type values.
Wildcards for detailed information.
Column List
In the Column List you can define the column which is written to the output table.
• Column—Displays the column name.
• Number of characters—Displays the overall output width.
• Format—Defines the output format. Each column can be configured with these
Wildcards. You can add text such as a diameter sign or the degree sign for angles.
• Sort order—Sorts the results.
• Justification—Defines the orientation in the column. By default, uses the orientation from
• Font size—Defines the font size in this column. If no value is entered, the default
to add a new column to the table.
| If a dimension or an angle or a parameter/value is selected in the tree, this name is added to the list. |
to delete the selected column
to reorder columns.