Closed Loop Topography
If HMX does not process the harness, review the modelling of branch junctions particularly modelling of the closed loops.
Branch Overlap Closed Loops
The branch overlap closed loops occurs when a branch routes backwards overlaying another branch and the two branches are bound together. This form of wire harness topography is difficult to flatten, manufacture, and assemble. You can avoid this topography by keeping the two branches distinct and separate.
To simplify this closed loop, remove one wire from the common locations. This removes the closed loop.
Add new locations to individual wires as required.
Simple Closed Loops
The simple closed loops occur where the wires or cables emerging from three different directions merge at an intersection. These junctions should be kept as simple as possible with ideally only one location point at each apex of the closed loop. The closed loop should not contain internal location points.
HMX will process multiple simple closed loops depending on the license used.
Higher Order Closed Loops
The higher order closed loops have more than three segments. Such closed loops may not be resolved correctly and can cause error messages to appear. You should modify the higher order closed loops to simple closed loop and try again.
To simplify this closed loop, add the wire to the common locations shown.
Bulging Closed Loops
Bulging closed loops occur when one segment of the loop is longer than the sum of the other two segments.
Such closed loops may not be correctly resolved to produce an accurate manufacturing drawing. You should modify the closed loop to adjust segment lengths and then try again.
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