To Extend a Segment
1. Select the driving or offset side of a single linear edge of a segment to extend.
2. Click Model > Extend. The Extend tab opens.
3. Choose a type of extension:
Along Original Surface—Extends the segment from the selected edge by a specified value.
Extend by value box—Type a value to extend the segment. Click to reverse the direction of the segment extension to the other side of the reference.
Up to Intersecting—Extends the segment from the selected edge to intersect a surface or a reference plane in the Plane collector.
Up to Plane—Extends the segment from the selected edge up to a planar surface or a reference plane, remaining parallel to the selected edge in the Plane collector.
4. To control the extension, perform one of the following operations:
In the graphics window, right-click each of the Extension handles and choose Normal to Extended Edge to extend the segment normal to the referenced edge, or click Along Boundary Edge to extend the segment along the boundary edge.
Click Extension. The Extension tab opens. For the start and end sides of the extension, click Normal to Extended Edge or Along Boundary Edge.
Extend surface adjacent to edge—Extends the surface adjacent to the boundary edge.
5. Click .
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