Map File Standard Conventions and Sections
Conventions in the Map File
In the file:
The # character is the comment character.
Object and value fields are separated by a space.
Spaces are permitted in value strings if the string is surrounded by quotation marks.
Wildcard (*) is valid for "all", for example:
mcad_in_ignore ->
ecad_name "resistor"
ecad_alt_name "*"
ecad_type "part"
ref_des "*"
Each section begins with the purpose, followed by "->".
Each section ends with "end". For example:

CAD_TYPE "part"
If you include the string ecad_create_hint_add N in the file, the .add file is not created.
Sections of the Map File
To map objects by name:
Maps an ECAD_NAME and ECAD_ALT_NAME pair from the ECAD side to MCAD_NAME (solid part or assembly) name in Creo. For example:
ECAD_NAME "<ecad_name>"
ECAD_ALT_NAME "<ecad_alt_name>"
MCAD_NAME "<mcad_name>"
MCAD_TYPE "<part/assembly>"
MCAD_LAYER "<layer_name>"
MCAD_Layer—Creates a new layer for the component with the layer name ECAD_<layer_name> for IDF import only.
MCAD_TYPE—Indicates the search priority when both an assembly and a solid part have the same MCAD name.
To map reference designators:
Maps an ECAD reference designator to an MCAD reference designator. For example:
reference_designator ->
ECAD_REF_DESIG "<ecad_ref_des>"
MCAD_REF_DESIG "<mcad_ref_des>"
On import to the MCAD side, the ECAD reference designator name is mapped to the MCAD reference designator name.
On export to the ECAD side, the MCAD reference designator name is mapped to the ECAD referenced designator name.
To mark components to be ignored on export, mcad_out_ignore:
Marks a component so that it will not be exported to the ECAD side. For example:
MCAD_NAME "<mcad_name>"
REF_DES "<ref_des>"
PART_TYPE <part, assembly>
You can use each clause separately or they can be used in conjunction.
When the same name is used for a part component and an assembly component, use the PART_TYPE clause to have more control over which component is ignored. You can set PART_TYPE to either part or assembly.
Each clause can include an asterisk (‘*’).
To mark components to be ignored on import, mcad_in_ignore:
Marks a component so that it will not be imported to the MCAD side. For example:
ECAD_NAME "<ecad_name>"
ECAD_ALT_NAME "<ecad_alt_name>"
REF_DES "<ref_des>"
You can use each clause separately or they can be used in conjunction.
Each clause can include an asterisk (‘*’).
To map the ECAD other_outline name to an MCAD part during IDF import and export:
ECAD_BOARD_NAME "<board name>"
ECAD_OTHER_OUTLINE "<ecad other outline name>"
MCAD_PART_NAME "<mcad part name>"
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