About Setting Defaults for Faster Import
Click File > Options. Use the Creo Parametric Options dialog box to set configuration options default values for the import process. When you set these defaults, you are not prompted for values each time a part is imported.
Component height—Ideally, the ECAD system specifies component height in its part information. If it does not, then when you import components through ECAD, you can use the ecad_default_comp_height configuration option to assign a default height to components with a zero height value in the interface file. The value for the option should be the value of the default height and its corresponding units.
Coordinate system names—When the board and components are imported, a csys is created at the origin of each part that is created. Use the ecad_board_csys_def_name and ecad_comp_csys_def_name configuration options to assign a default csys name to each object type.
Default part and assembly templates—During import, you are prompted to choose a template for the imported part or assembly. You can specify a default template using the template_ecadpart and template_ecadasm configuration options.
ecad_hint.map file default location—You can use the ecad_mapping_file <path> configuration option to set a default location for the ecad_hint.map file.
Import parts to automatically created layers—When the Preferences option ecad_comp_layer_map is set to YES, the import routine creates a new layer for each component name and places each newly created reference designator on the appropriate layer.
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