Cabling > Ribbon Cables > About Ribbon Cables
About Ribbon Cables
A ribbon cable is a flat and wide cable with many conducting wires running parallel to each other on the same flat plane.
You can import ribbon cables using Logical Reference or create them within the Cabling assembly by using ribbon spools. Use the Import command to reference Creo Schematics information directly in Cabling. This information includes the reference designator, pin-to-pin connection information, and parameter values of connectors, pins, spools, wires, and cables. You can also autoroute ribbon cables and designate connectors using logical reference.
You can manipulate ribbon spools in the same way as cable spools.
You must name and define the ribbon cables in the database before you route them. When you flatten ribbon cables in the harness mode, ribbon cable-specific information, such as folds and bends are not carried over from 3D models to Harness Manufacturing.
To Create a Ribbon Cable
1. After creating or activating a harness part, click Route Cables. The Route Cables dialog box opens.
2. Click to create a new ribbon cable to route. When no spool exists, you are prompted to create a spool.
3. Select a spool from the Spool list or click Add New to create a new one.
4. Click Apply to save the changes and create and route additional wires and cables or click OK.
To Add a Ribbon to the Database by Reference
1. After creating or activating a harness part, click Route Cables. The Route Cables dialog box opens.
2. Click . The Find Cables dialog box opens.
3. Click the Options arrow.
4. Click the Include ribbon cables check box.
5. Select one or more ribbon cables from the items found list and click . The cables are move to the items selected list.
The list of names is generated from the logical information that is imported as an XML file from Creo Schematics.
6. Click OK.
To Modify Ribbon Parameters
1. Click Parameters to edit the parameters of a ribbon cable.
2. To ensure that you select the correct ribbon, click Tools > Find, select the required ribbon, and click OK. The Electrical Parameters dialog box opens.
3. Modify the required parameters for the selected ribbon cable.
4. Click Apply and OK.
To Modify the Bend Radius of a Ribbon Cable
1. Select a ribbon cable and click Parameters. The Electrical Parameters dialog box opens.
2. Select a Bend Radius value. The value appears in the Value box.
3. Type a new value and press ENTER.
4. Click Apply and OK. The value of bend radius is automatically updated.
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