About Fixed Length of a Cable
You can control the overall length of a cable, ribbon cable, or wire between connectors or control the length of cable segments between two location points. If during a design modification, a fixed length attribute is violated and Cabling design is unable to regenerate the associated cables and wires, the cables and wires will fail. To restore failed cables and wires, remove the fixed length.
To Set Fixed Length of a Cable Between Locations
1. To set the length of a cable segment, click > . You are prompted to select two locations.
2. Select the two location points on the cable. Cabling displays the current length of the segment that you can accept or modify.
To Set Fix Overall Length of a Cable
1. To set the overall length of a cable segment, click > . You are prompted to select a cable.
2. Select a cable on the Model Tree or in graphics window. Cabling displays the length of the cable that you can accept or modify.
To View Fixed Length Cables
To view fixed lengths cables, click > . The cables with fixed overall lengths are highlighted in green and the cables with fixed lengths between locations are highlight in blue. A message with the number of fixed length segments in the harness is also displayed.
To Remove Fixed Length from Cables
To remove the fixed length attribute of a cable or a segment:
• Using the Action-Object method:
Click > and select the wire or cable portion with the fixed length attribute from the graphics window. You can also select the complete wire, cable, or their segments from the Model Tree.
• Using the Object-Action method:
Select the wire, cable, or a segment with the fixed length attribute from the Model Tree, right-click, and click

When free length is applied to a cable or wire, the fix length attribute is removed from all its portions.
To Remove the Fixed Length from Failed Cables
From the Shortcut menu
1. Select the failed cable segments or the parent cable on the Model Tree, right-click and click

. A confirmation dialog box opens.
2. Click Yes. The fixed length attribute is removed from the cable and the cable is restored.
From the Notification Center
1. Open the Notification Center. A list of all the failed cable segments is displayed.
2. Right-click the

and click
Free All Lengths. A confirmation dialog box opens.
3. Click Yes. The fixed length attribute is removed from the cables and the cable is restored.
From the Model Tree
1. Click > and select the failed cable segment or the parent cable on the Model Tree. A confirmation dialog box opens.
2. Click Yes. The fixed length attribute is removed from the cable and the cable is restored.