Cabling > Routing Cables > Autorouting Cables
Autorouting Cables
In order to automatically route cables or wires without manually choosing From and To entry ports, you must establish a logical reference. The reference can be to an XML file that is exported from Creo Schematics, a Diagram file or a wire list text file in a supported format. The file provides the from-to connection information that associates conductors and cables with individual entry ports (pins) on connectors. In a logically referenced diagram, the ENTRY_PORT pin parameter must be assigned to the corresponding coordinate system in the selected Cabling assembly. If the ENTRY_PORT parameter is not defined in the logically referenced diagram, the wires or cables cannot be autorouted.
Use the Route Cables dialog box to route the selected wires or cables between their from and to connectors. The wires automatically follow the shortest path through the network.
You can route a harness part without a logical reference when you specify a From and To port for the wires and cables with a red dot in the Cables list. The logical reference method is a faster method.
Autorouting to Splices
If you designate a splice as the connector for a wire, the system routes the wire to the splice as it routes to any connector.
If the splice is not assembled, you can route the wire with one connector and one required location, and later insert the splice at the required location.
Tip: Autorouting through Components
Wires can be autorouted through components. There need not be any network segment that contact two entry ports with an internal cable portion between them. Instead, Cabling assumes that each time a network segment is routed to a different entry port, all network segments are connected, even though the internal segments do not show.
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