Detailed Drawings > Parametric Relationship with the Model > Potential Impact to Drawing Views When Assigning Existing Features to New Bodies
Potential Impact to Drawing Views When Assigning Existing Features to New Bodies
When you assign features from models created in Creo Parametric 6.0 and earlier, to new bodies in Creo Parametric 7.0, the drawing views related to the model might change. Consider the following scenario:
1. In Creo Parametric 7.0, open a model that is created in Creo Parametric 6.0 or earlier.
2. Check the drawing views for the model.
3. Assign existing features to new bodies.
4. Check the drawing views to see if there is a change.
A change in drawing views is more likely to occur for drawing views that use geometrical reference points when created, such as detailed views, partial views, and broken views. See Support Article CS000314873.
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