Detailed Drawings > Drawing Tree > About Heading Nodes on the Drawing Tree
About Heading Nodes on the Drawing Tree
Heading nodes appear below nodes that differentiate drawing items by type. A heading node represents a collection of object types within the current drawing sheet and does not correspond to an actual drawing item. For example, the heading node 'Annotations' represents a collection of annotation items on the Drawing Tree.
The following points describe heading nodes:
A heading node appears on the Drawing Tree only if is populated with drawing items. That is, the drawing tree will not display empty heading nodes.
You cannot rename a heading node.
You can expand or collapse contents of a heading node by double-clicking the heading node or clicking the '+' or '-' signs of the heading node.
If you use heading nodes for range selection, only drawing objects in nodes that currently appear expanded are selected.
During selection of drawing items on the Drawing Tree, you can expand or collapse heading nodes without affecting the current selection set. That is, when you select drawing items below an expanded heading node, the selected items become part of the selection set. You can collapse that heading node without affecting selected items within the selection set. You can further expand other heading nodes and continue selecting drawing items to add to the selection set.
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