To Show Model Grid Balloons
You can show model grid balloons by using the Model Grids dialog box or by using the configuration options model_grid_balloon_size, model_grid_neg_prefix, model_grid_num_dig_display, and model_grid_offset.
Click Layout tab and then click the arrow next to Display group. Click Model Grid. to open the Model Grids dialog box. Click the Settings tab of the Model Grids dialog box.
To specify the default grid balloon size, use Setup Options, or set model_grid_balloon_size.
To control the prefix of negative values in grid balloons, use the Negative prefix option, or set model_grid_neg_prefix. The default value is "-."
To set the number of digits displayed in grid balloons, use the Decimal places option, or set model_grid_num_dig_display.
To specify the offset of new model grid balloons from the drawing view, set model_grid_offset. If you set it to default (the default value), the system offsets new model grid balloons from the drawing view by twice the current model grid spacing. If you specify a number as the value, the system offsets balloons by that number of inches (not drawing units) from the view.
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