Detailed Drawings > Creating a Drawing > To Replace Models from Family Tables
To Replace Models from Family Tables
If a model that you use in a drawing is a member of a Family Table, you can replace that model with other Family Table members. The system maintains dimensions, attached notes, and other drawing annotations when one model replaces another.
Use the Select Instance dialog box to select an instance with which to replace the model.
1. Open a drawing of a model that is a member of a Family Table.
2. Perform one of the following operations:
Click Drawing Models in the Document group of the Layout tab.
Right-click and click Drawing Models on the shortcut menu.
The DWG MODELS menu appears on the Menu Manager.
3. Click Replace.
4. Select the model that you want to replace as the active model. The Select Instance dialog box opens when you are replacing the model of one Family Table instance with another.
5. Select the name of another family member to replace it.
6. The Select Instance dialog box displays a list of all instances of the currently selected Family Table model. You can select one of these to use as the replacement model. You can select an instance by name when the By Name page is visible (the default), or click the By Parameter tab to select an instance by parameter.
7. After selecting an instance to be the replacement, click Open. The current model is replaced by the selected instance.
When you are using automatic replacement, if the system shows dimensions in the assembly drawing on a component that you have replaced with the new instance, it displays equivalent dimensions. However, if you replace the component using manual replacement, it does not preserve the dimensions.
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