To Fix the Index of a Repeat Region
1. Open a drawing with one or more repeat regions.
2. On the Table tab, click Repeat Region. Alternatively, right-click and click Repeat Region on the shortcut menu. The TBL REGIONS menu appears on the Menu Manager.
3. Click Fix Index on the TBL REGIONS menu; then select a repeat region. The FIX INDEX menu displays the following commands:
Fix—Fixes one or more indexes for one or all records in a repeat region.
Unfix—Unfixes an index, all indexes in a record, or all indexes in a repeat region.
Record—Fixes or unfixes one or all indexes in a record of a repeat region (use with Fix or Unfix).
Index—Unfixes an index (this command is only available if you choose Unfix).
Region—Fixes all indexes in all records in a repeat region, or unfixes all fixed indexes in a repeat region (use with Fix or Unfix).
4. Click Fix and Record. Select a record in the current repeat region (to fix the indexes in all records in a repeat region, choose Fix and Region).
5. Type the desired index for that record (you cannot use indexes that are already fixed for other records).
6. Click Done. The system fixes the index for that record.
To display any changes that you make using the commands in the FIX INDEX menu, you must choose Done.
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