Detailed Drawings > Running Drawing Programs > The Edit Program Menu
The Edit Program Menu
To create a drawing program, choose Edit Program from the DRAW PROGRAM menu. The EDIT PROGRAM menu displays the following commands:
Insert Line—Prompts you to type text lines into the program. To finish, type a carriage return.
Delete Line—Deletes a range of lines from the program.
Edit Line—Modifies the current line in the message area.
Screen Edit—Edits the program directly in the text-tool window.
File Edit—Edits the drawing program using the system editor.
Set State—Displays a run-time menu of all drawing states. You can select a state from the menu, or create a new state interactively.
Next—Moves to the next executable line of the program.
Prev—Backs up one line, undoing the modification that line caused to the drawing. If you get to this line by using the Jump command, you back up to the line on which the jump was started.
Run—Executes the program forward or backward until reaching a certain line.
Jump—Sets the current line as a specified line number without executing any line. You can only jump to executable lines.
Switch Dim—Changes the data display to symbols or numerical values. This command does not change the program or the drawing.
Set Cur Sheet—Sets the current sheet of the drawing for display purposes. You can display another drawing sheet by choosing Window from the menu bar, followed by New. This command does not change the program or the drawing.
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