About Modifying Crosshatches
You can modify crosshatches of detailed views and individual members of part and assembly cross section views as discussed below:
Assembly cross sections—When modifying an assembly cross section, you can modify crosshatches for the entire section, or selected component sections, or selected area sections.
Part cross sections—When modifying a part cross section, you can modify crosshatches for the entire section or selected area sections.
Flat Surfaces—You can modify crosshatches associated with flat surfaces in their respective views. Crosshatches maintain a parametric relationship with their associated surfaces and are updated whenever you modify the surfaces.
Detailed views—The crosshatch of a detailed view can follow that of its parent view, or you can make the detailed view independent of its parent. To modify the crosshatch of a detailed view, you must make the detailed view independent of its parent.
If you have overlapping crosshatch patterns in your drawing (any combination of crosshatched cosmetic features, cross-sectional views, or draft cross sections), move the pointer over the crosshatch area, right-click, and select Pick From List to select the crosshatch to modify.
Using Smart Default Crosshatches
When you create an assembly cross section or a multi body part cross section, a "smart" crosshatch pattern is automatically applied on parts or bodies that provide a superior visual representation of the cross section. Smart default crosshatching applies crosshatch spacing appropriate to the model size and assigns different angles to different parts in the assembly or bodies in the part. Smart crosshatching uses a randomized slant angle between adjacent components or bodies, making it easier to distinguish different parts in assembly drawings or different bodies on part view and assembly view and also reducing the amount of time required to clean up drawings with cross sections and crosshatching.
The following rules apply to smart default crosshatches:
Smart default crosshatches affect newly created cross-sectional views only. When you retrieve previously saved drawings, smart crosshatch is not in effect.
For assembly cross sections, smart default crosshatches affect both spacing and angle. By default, the angle is 45 degrees.
To override smart default crosshatches for newly created cross sections, define the cross section parameters default_xhatch_spacing and default_xhatch_angle prior to creating a new drawing view. Cross sections of other surrounding parts that are not defined adjust accordingly.
Smart default crosshatches are no longer valid after you modify the crosshatch properties of a view.
Modifications that you make in the Drawing mode do not display in Part mode or Assembly mode.
Controlling the Spacing and Angle of Crosshatch Using Parameters
By setting parameters, you can control the default spacing and angle of a crosshatch in newly created planar and offset cross sections. To control the display, set the number parameters using default_xhatch_spacing and default_xhatch_angle. These parameters only affect new cross sections, they do not affect cross sections previously created in a part or assembly.
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