About Drawing Sheets
You can create multiple sheet drawings and move items from one sheet to another.
Sheets in a drawing are listed in the Sheets bar. You can add a new sheet, rename a sheet, delete a sheet, move or copy a sheet, select multiple or all sheets, update sheets, and change sheet setup. You can perform these operations on single or multiple sheets.
You cannot perform rename operation with multiple sheets selected.
Sheets in a drawing are listed in the Sheets bar below the graphics window. You can navigate across the sheets using the Sheets tabs in the Sheets bar. Using the Sheet bar you can:
Add a new sheet to the drawing by clicking .
Drag a sheet tab across available sheet tabs to reposition a sheet.
Select multiple sheets by holding down the CTRL key.
You can call out the sheet number, sheet name, and total number of sheets in a drawing using &sheet_number, &sheet_name, and &total_sheets parameters, respectively.
If you open a drawing created in a release before Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0, sheets in the drawing are named according to the default naming convention that is, using the existing order of sheets. Each such sheet will have a sheet bar, and the position of the sheets in the sheet bar is based on the current sheet number. For example, if a legacy drawing has 3 sheets, the sheets are named as Sheet 1, Sheet 2, and Sheet 3, and appear in the sheet bar according to their current order.
You can view and update properties of a sheet, such as name, format, size, and orientation by using Sheet Setup on the Layout tab. Additionally, you can select multiple sheets and use Sheet Setup to update properties of all the selected sheets at a time.
When working with multisheet drawings, keep in mind the following:
You can switch a projection view to another sheet, but it will lose its association with its parent view.If you switch the projection view back to the same sheet as the parent, the association is restored.
You can change drawing scales on each sheet independently.
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